We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and rely solely on the support and funding from the community and fans to perform our free ski shows. None of our members receive pay to perform. We do it because we love it!
We provide free souvenir programs to the 30,000 people in attendance at our shows annually. You can place a full color ad in our program for $50!
We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities. You can have your logo displayed on our give-away shirts, boats, jump ramp, dock, bleachers, or more!
We accept donations by cash, check, credit or debit card. A $20 donation at any of our shows will get you a free themed t-shirt for this season!
Each summer we host multiple ski clinics to share our love of skiing with members of the Quad City community.
Our Access to Waves program is held twice a summer and gives individuals with various disabilities the opportunity to ski on specially designed water skis.
The Backwater Gamblers Water Ski Club was founded in 1980 with just 14 members and got our name because we used to gamble with our lives by water skiing on the backwaters of the Mississippi River. Our mission is to:
45 years later, the Backwater Gamblers now ski at the beautiful Ben Williamson Park in Rock Island, IL and have consistently been among the top five show ski teams at the National Water Ski Show Tournament. We are a family-oriented organization with families making up the majority of the club’s 120 members who range in age from 1 to 74. Club members consist of both skiers and non-skiers, all of whom are important to presenting the best water ski show possible.